Montana Diaries Creative Business Blog

creative business resources, Shownotes, extra media, and links from the pod!

Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

In-Depth Q/A Business Coaching Call w/ Videographer Alexandra

Alex is a beautiful soul + a new videographer on the scene — she attended my very first content day last fall and she’s always had the most thoughtful questions on business, client relations, and creativity, so I knew she’d be the PERFECT first live coaching call on the Montana Diaries podcast. Alexandra serves the Missoula, MT area + beyond and you can follow along with her work + business journey at the links below!

calling all photographers!


EVERYTHING you need to know about integrating video into your photography biz without buying new equipment, getting super techy, or wasting your precious time!



1. Why video is KING online, AKA why YOU should incorporate video into your business strategy

2. The leg up that hybrid shooters have in the photo + video industries and why it IS possible to learn with your existing equipment

3. Action steps you can take RIGHT NOW toward incorporating video content!



join us in the Facebook group, your space for talking all things creativity + business!


Alex is a beautiful soul + a new videographer on the scene — she attended my very first content day last fall and she’s always had the most thoughtful questions on business, client relations, and creativity, so I knew she’d be the PERFECT first live coaching call on the Montana Diaries podcast. Alexandra serves the Missoula, MT area + beyond and you can follow along with her work + business journey at the links below!

In-Depth Q/A Business Coaching Call w/ Videographer Alexandra

Helloooo and welcome back to the Montana Diaries Podcast, I’m Shayna and I’m so stoked you’re here today because we have my very first live coaching call on the podcast with a really beautiful soul + up and coming videographer Alexandra Donaldson. Alex attended my very first content day last fall and she’s always had the most thoughtful questions on business, client relations, and creativity, so I knew she’d be the PERFECT first live coaching call on the Montana Diaries podcast. Alexandra serves the Missoula, MT area + beyond and it’s been such a pleasure to follow her growth as an artist and business owner so far, I know there’s so many amazing things coming her way because honestly this girl just works her ass off and implements like no other.

If you listen to this episode and you love it then apply to be on an episode like this yourself to ask alllll of your burning creative biz questions — just DM me at @shayna_lloyd or email me at to apply

APPLY FOR 1x1 COACHING WITH SHAY: to apply; My coaching clients can expect personalized PDFs recapping what we go over in our calls after each session, complete with super specific, actionable homework to help you get closer to your goals. I’m a business coach for action takers — no over-researching or learning as a form of procrastination. If that sounds like your thing, then go to

Alsoooo if you want to get on the wait list to be the first to know about my in-person education and content days, aka how I met Alex, then info on that can be found at — Everyone who signs up to that list also gets a free educational PDF called Portfolio Building with Purpose…anndddd, ya know, it’s exactly what it sounds like. I teach you how to build your portfolio with strategy in mind.







Anndddd that was a live Q/A with videographer Alexandra Donaldson— how amazing is she!?  I really do love how thoughtful and intentional this woman is, and I encourage you to go give her a follow on IG to follow along with her business journey. I expect great things from her! Remember to email me to be on a live coaching episode, applying for real intensive 1x1 business coaching with me complete with actionable homework, getting on board with an in-person education event, you know…all the things. Links are below!

hey, photog friend!

If you’ve been wanting to learn videography with the gear you already own, I have a free guide just for you!

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Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

40: Business with purpose: serving the multicultural community w/ Destini French


Helloooo and welcome back to the Montana Diaries Podcast, I’m Shayna and I’m so freaking stoked you’re here because today we have one of the most talented hair and makeup artists and my dear friend DESTNI, the owner of Cultured Roots in Bozeman, Montana. Destini serves the multicultural community in Montana and she has an incredible vision for how she intends to serve through her services and through textured hair education — this is a must listen, seriously.

calling all photographers!


EVERYTHING you need to know about integrating video into your photography biz without buying new equipment, getting super techy, or wasting your precious time!



1. Why video is KING online, AKA why YOU should incorporate video into your business strategy

2. The leg up that hybrid shooters have in the photo + video industries and why it IS possible to learn with your existing equipment

3. Action steps you can take RIGHT NOW toward incorporating video content!

DESTINI FRENCH: Serving the multicultural community, becoming a hair + makeup artist, navigating race in a predominately white town, and much more!


join us in the Facebook group, your space for talking all things creativity + business!


“I am a Los Angeles, California native and moved to Bozeman, MT in 2011 to play basketball for the Bobcats. My career was cut short due to a career ending injury, but when one door closes, another one opens. I taught myself how to braid my own hair when I first moved here because I quickly realized that there was no where that could serve me. In 2018, I began embarking on my journey to open Cultured Roots and in 2020 decided to quit my full time job and go to Cosmetology school. In 2021, I became a licensed Cosmetologist and began booth renting out of Envious Salon.

I am proud to be the owner and operator of Cultured Roots. I love my job cause it found me. I have the opportunity to make every person that sits in my chair feel great about themselves. I also get to meet new people every day. Each and every one of them has a different story but they all just want to look and feel great. I am lucky enough to help them accomplish that! I am always taking courses to learn about hair care, and get the scoop on the the latest trends and styles to offer to my clients! I look forward to giving you a Cultured Roots Experience!”


Helloooo and welcome back to the Montana Diaries Podcast, I’m Shayna and I’m so freaking stoked you’re here because today we have one of the most talented hair and makeup artists and my dear friend DESTNI, the owner of Cultured Roots in Bozeman, Montana. Destini serves the multicultural community in Montana and she has an incredible vision for how she intends to serve through her services and through textured hair education — this is a must listen, seriously. 

Before we jump into the interview with Destini, here’s a kind review of my signature program Videography for Photographers by Lyndsey Bachmeir — fun fact about Lyndsey, she was a hugggeee cheerleader in the early days of the business when I was a couple of months out of college and a newlywed and completely clueless about everything in business. She was the owner of a beautiful venue that we lucked into working at during one of our first weddings —  I was so green with videography but she recommended us to all of her couples and believed in us and basically financed my dream because of it. Eventually Lyndsey sold the venue, became a photographer, and freaking bought my course — here’s her review:

I knew the minute Shayna announced she was offering an online course for photographers, I was the first in line. Her talent is like no other.. I first met Shayna as the owner of Montana Wildflower weddings. She was the first on our preferred venue list.. Her sweet and charismatic attitude, her attention to details and the emotions that come through with each film she produces is just magic. I went on to sale my venue and started a photography business. Although I don’t offer films now, I did take the tools I learned and made some videos. I couldn’t be more excited to implement what I learn to produce beautiful films. It truly is a gift Shayna is willing to share her knowledge and time with others. Her course is so well laid out, easy to understand and most importantly can be done on your own time. I had my first crazy busy photography season (and I thought weddings were intense Now that the madness has past, I’m so excited to jump back into the course. I know what I learn will be invaluable down the road in my connection with my clients.. She is always active and willing to help in her social platforms for continued education..
— Lyndsey Bachmeir

Lyndsey, thank you so much for your kind words and for, well, everything. If you would like a shout out of your own, then write a review of the podcast on the Apple Podcasts app!! Now onto the interview with Destini!

A chat w/ Destini French, owner of Cultured Roots MT

  • Destini grew up in Los Angeles, California — she describes LA as a “melting pot,” but said she still had a weird relationship with her hair because she didn’t know how to do it. She was recruited to play basketball at MSU in Bozeman, MT — it wasn’t until her move to Montana that she learned how to do her hair. A teammate encouraged Destini to learn more about her hair, and she credits “YouTube University” for teaching her how to braid. She never imagined it would become her career.

  • A knee injury ended Destini’s college basketball career early, but she was able to stay at MSU thanks to her sports scholarship turning into an academic one due to hardship. She finished MSU with a degree in Family Consumer Sciences, and became a preschool teacher.

  • We chatted a ton about preschoolers and kids in general — how we both believe that structure and boundaries breed creativity, and then how that idea has translated to our adult lives and businesses. We also talked about inspiration vs. direct emulation along those same lines.

  • When talking about portfolio building to showcase more of the multicultural community in Montana, we go over how racially charged certain words and styles can be during this process. Destini is careful to point out that her experience as a black woman is not the experience of every black person.

  • Destini fell into side-hustling styling POC hair — she explained that the POC community in Bozeman is largely word-of-mouth when it comes to styling their hair, because so few salons do it. People would ask her where she got her hair done, she would say she did it herself, and then they would ask her if she could do their hair too. Eventually, she was doing enough people’s hair that she decided to go to cosmetology school to become licensed and make her side hustle her full time gig.

  • Today, Destini is a successful hair + makeup artist operating as Cultural Roots, and has a bigger vision for serving the multicultural community. Destini opened up about her dreams of opening up a space that includes a variety of services, but also education for teaching how to work with multi-cultural hair types.

Anndddd that was Destini — how incredible is she? I know conversations about race are tough but I so appreciate Destini’s openness and patience and humorrrr about it, and I couldn’t believe her insight into how they don’t teach textured hair in cosmetology school..that just blew me away. The education she’s providing is so necessary, and I’m so happy she’s serving Montana with her incredible talent. She is such a kind soul and so ridiculously intelligent and I could listen to her talk all day….I’d love to hear your thoughts on the topics we discussed here— head over to the Montana Diaries Podcast Facebook group and write a post to continue this discussion, or just introduce yourself over there. Don’t forget to leave your honest review on the Apple Podcasts app — it helps us get more amazing guests like Destini and I’ll give you a shout out on a future episode. Please go create something today, friends, and I’ll catch ya in the next episode.

hey, photog friend!

If you’ve been wanting to learn videography with the gear you already own, I have a free guide just for you!

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Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

38: Create the community you need w/ the founder of GirlGetAfterIt Cassidy Wendell!


Helloooo and welcome back to the Montana Diaries Podcast, I’m your host Shayna and I’m so freaking stoked you’re here because today we have Cassidy Wendell, the Bozeman Montana based founder of GirlGetAfterIt. Cass is a powerhouse of an entrepreneur and I couldn’t believe all of the wisdom she brought to this episode of the pod — I got so much out of her story of grief and finding community and figuring out how to run the successful business she has today. She indulged my curiosities and I’m so grateful because I legitimately learned so much from her and I know you will too — there are a tonnnn of tangible tips on top of all of the inspiring stories and encouragement. Cassidy is incredible.

calling all photographers!


EVERYTHING you need to know about integrating video into your photography biz without buying new equipment, getting super techy, or wasting your precious time!



1. Why video is KING online, AKA why YOU should incorporate video into your business strategy

2. The leg up that hybrid shooters have in the photo + video industries and why it IS possible to learn with your existing equipment

3. Action steps you can take RIGHT NOW toward incorporating video content!

CASSIDY WENDELL: Creating community, navigating grief, starting a successful clothing brand, and more!


join us in the Facebook group, your space for talking all things creativity + business!


“Hey, I’m Cass!

#GIRLGETAFTERIT was born out of a passion for wellness and need for community.

When I was 22 years old, I suddenly lost my dad to a stroke. In those years that followed, I went through a period of isolation, depression and felt disconnected from anything and anyone that my “old life” was made up of.

I knew I needed a support system, but wasn’t resonating with anything that was out there. so, instead of searching for a squad, I created one. What started as a selfish act, soon turned into a women’s wellness community I could only dream of.

Since hosting my first event back in 2017, I’ve seen first-hand how life-changing it can be to feel seen, heard and supported - for both myself and the people I’ve connected with. You start to believe in yourself. You begin to dream bigger. You chase goals, you get after it, and you inspire others to do the same.

now, I know just how important your mental, physical and emotional health is to your overall well-being, how community plays a huge role in professional and personal success, and how the feeling of being supported can ultimately change your life.

With the help of #GGAI, I have made it my life’s mission to empower women all over the world through movement, community and impact.



Helloooo and welcome back to the Montana Diaries Podcast, I’m your host Shayna and I’m so freaking stoked you’re here because today we have Cassidy Wendell, the Bozeman Montana based founder of GirlGetAfterIt. Cass is a powerhouse of an entrepreneur and I couldn’t believe all of the wisdom she brought to this episode of the pod — I got so much out of her story of grief and finding community and figuring out how to run the successful business she has today. She indulged my curiosities and I’m so grateful because I legitimately learned so much from her and I know you will too — there are a tonnnn of tangible tips on top of all of the inspiring stories and encouragement. Cassidy is incredible.

Before we jump into the interview, I’ve been LOVING reading reviews of our offerings at the top of the show, so here’s a kind review of my signature course Videography for Photographers by a photographer I look up to so much, so this review blew me away…I mean, I definitely have to get this lady on the podcast because she’s incredible in her own right but here’s Angie Rich’s review of my video course:

I’m blown away because I have been doing hybrid shooting and I have had a hard time navigating the mechanics and settings, so I stopped because I couldn’t figure it out. I started Videography for Photographers and it’s three modules, 17 sessions — it goes over mechanics, storytelling, editing, how to implement, how to tell a story with videography. I’m so blown away because this is what I needed. If you’re someone who is on the fence and you want to implement video into your business, I highly recommend investing in this course because Shay literally lays it all out for you and it’s freaking good. I promise you, 10/10.
— Angie Rich

Wow, Angie, thank you so much for your kind words. I know I already said it, but I look up to Angie wayyyy more than she even probably realized so to have her say such kind things about the course I worked so hard on…ahhh. It’s mind blowing. If you would like a shout out of your own, then write a review of the podcast on the Apple Podcasts app! It helps me out SO MUCH and I can’t tell you how much I appreciate it. It’ll take two minutes!! Nowwww onto the conversation with Cassidy Wendell.

A chat w/ Cassidy Wendell, founder of GirlGetAfterIt

  • After landing her “dream job” working in sports marketing for the MSU Bobcats straight out of college, Cassidy navigated through extreme grief and isolation that eventually lead her to seeking a community of women that she was severely lacking. Eventually, that community turned into GirlGetAfterIt.

GirlGetAfterIt is a wellness community that brings women together through sweat-working events and gear that gives back — we host monthly meetups and create a space for women to meet new friends and try new things in safe, welcoming, inviting space.
— Cassidy Wendell
  • The initial events Cass hosted were fairly successful, and she gave out stickers at each one that said “#GIRLGETAFTERIT.” This was a hashtag she used on her social media posts often, and also said to her personal training clients often. Eventually, attendees started requesting more products with the slogans like t-shirts. Cassidy realized that it was catching on — she trademarked #GIRLGETAFTERIT early in her business. She explained it’s just how her mind works — she goes after it before she’s ready. Today, GIRLGETAFTERIT still hosts monthly events and sells “gear that gives back,” and has just expanded to multiple states.

  • GIRLGETAFTERIT really gained momentum during the pandemic — Cass went full time into the business, the retail side exploded as more and more women worked from home and craved community + bought into the brand, and a partnership with Lululemon went through for the brand, which Cass is extremely proud of.

  • When the gear/apparel side of GIRLGETAFTERIT initially launched, Cass used a service called Bonfire, which is a drop-shipping platform — meaning Cass just had to design and launch the product to her community, and they took care of the production and distribution. For this service, they needed to sell a minimum order before the company would make the product. The year after, they switched to a true drop-shopping platform called Printful where they create the one-off orders as they’re ordered. They used that service for about a year, with a few pop-up shops sprinkled in that year — Cass just made bulk orders through Printful for those events. Cass explained the fees for drop-shipping were huge compared to having on-hand inventory, and the quality control wasn’t the best it could be because she wasn’t seeing the product before it was sent to the customer. GIRLGETAFTERIT took baby steps to stepping away from drop shipping completely, and they’re making more big changes for 2022.

  • Today, GIRLGETAFTERIT uses a launch model for the retail side of the business. This is largely for Cassidy’s lifestyle goals — instead of constantly having to fulfill orders and working on a hamster wheel, Cassidy can control the drops of new products. This move also adds more creativity and freshness to the apparel side of the business.

  • The community side of GIRLGETAFTERIT is split between the virtual space and in-person events. This year, GGAI implemented an ambassador model where these ambassadors can bring the in person events to their own cities upon approval. Cassidy’s three-year plan for the community is to bring GIRLGETAFTERIT to all 50 states.

  • Cassidy’s main goal for her personal life is to gain complete autonomy over her personal and professional life, including work-life balance and location freedom. For GirlGetAfterIt, she sees its future as being a “BumbleBFF but cooler.” I freaking love her, you guys.

Anndddd that was Cassidy Wendell, the founder of GIRLGETAFTERIT — isn’t she the best!? My favorite part of the episode was how intentional Cassidy was about seeking out the community she was lacking, especially amidst her grief…. But also, on a tangible level, I learned SO FREAKING MUCH about retail!!! I’ve always been interested in drop-shipping and having a business like that, so it was really kind of Cass to shine a light on that part of her business. I’d love to hear your thoughts on the topics we discussed here— head over to the Montana Diaries Podcast Facebook group and write a post to continue this discussion, or just introduce yourself over there. Don’t forget to leave your honest review on the Apple Podcasts app — it helps us get more amazing guests like Cassidy and I’ll give you a shout out on a future episode. Please go create something today, friends, and I’ll catch ya in the next episode.

hey, photog friend!

If you’ve been wanting to learn videography with the gear you already own, I have a free guide just for you!

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Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

22: Selling a hand made creative product w/ Hannah Lorenzen

On episode 22 of the Montana Diaries Podcast, I’m chatting with Hannah Lorenzen, the Missoula-based owner of Han-MadeWithLove — she makes stunning clay jewelry and it’s so freaking unique, you guys, unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I hired Hannah to design pieces to go in my welcome boxes for my wedding and elopement clients and I am absolutely blown away by the care she put into each design. I knew I had to get her on the pod to tell you about her process. If you’ve been wanting to sell a creative product but you’re not sure where to start, this is a great episode with a heart-centered approach from Hannah...but, yeah, I mostly just want to hype this woman up so that you go freaking check her out. Make your dollars mean something this holiday season — shop local, shop small.


“Instagram is no longer a photo sharing app.”

When head of Instagram Adam Mosseri said that via an IGTV video this summer, I watched as photographers freaked the eff out on photography Facebook groups, on their stories, and yepppp my DMs.


Sooo… I wrote a free guide for YOU, photog friend. This guide is a DEEP DIVE into video marketing for photographers — not only do I provide tangible, actionable strategy for batching video content for YouTube, IGTV, Facebook, TikTok, and Reels, but I take the time to discuss the WHY of it all. Aannndddd this isn’t one of those guides where I throw up information on you that you have no hope of implementing during your busy photo season — I’m a working videographer and photographer, so I freaking get the struggle to implement a content creation strategy. As always, I’m here to meet you where you’re at with what you have

HANNAH LORENZEN: Creating a handmade product, finding her style, and learning to sell


join us in the Facebook group, your space for talking all things creativity + business!

meet han

montana girl with big dreams | “Han-madewithlove began in Missoula, MT in June of 2020. I have loved all things crafty since the age of seven where I made soap and sold it outside my house from a little stand. It's only fitting that I now (han)d-make and sell clay items. The selection of handmade clay items and fashion items include; stunning trendy pieces, quality items that are made to last, pieces that fit any budget, and most importantly inclusive pieces for all sizes and shapes. I take the process of finding and creating pieces that inspire and uplift my customers very seriously. My goal is to make everyone feel loved when they wear han-madewithlove. Our customer service team will make sure that your expectations are not just met, but exceeded.”


On episode 22 of the Montana Diaries Podcast, I’m chatting with Hannah Lorenzen, the Missoula-based owner of Han-MadeWithLove — she makes stunning clay jewelry and it’s so freaking unique, you guys, unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I hired Hannah to design pieces to go in my welcome boxes for my wedding and elopement clients and I am absolutely blown away by the care she put into each design. I knew I had to get her on the pod to tell you about her process. If you’ve been wanting to sell a creative product but you’re not sure where to start, this is a great episode with a heart-centered approach from Hannah...but, yeah, I mostly just want to hype this woman up so that you go freaking check her out. Make your dollars mean something this holiday season — shop local, shop small. 

hand made in missoula

Hannah’s hand-made clay earrings are inspired by a mixture of western and bohemian style — they reflect Missoula itself.

Hannah is multi-passionate and extremely creative — she has a heart-centered approach to business that relies heavily on word of mouth in the Montana communities she serves. We chatted about her design process and what it is to create for clients vs.creating for oneself.

Hannah opened up about finding confidence with both her style and with clients’ feedback. She has a distinct style that attracts wholesale and custom orders, and those projects can cause anxiety because she is so focused on making the products beautiful and in the clients’ vision. She emphasizes the importance of communication and providing a timeline.


hey, photog friend!

If you’ve been wanting to learn videography with the gear you already own, I have a free guide just for you!

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Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

6 Mary Kantner: Human-centered business and keeping the art sacred

Mary Kantner is a portrait photographer based out of Los Angeles, CA. She is inspired by “imperfections”, in-between moments, and telling a story in her photographs. She uses both film and digital photography fluently within her work.

Mary Kantner: Human-centered business and keeping the art sacred

From Mary Kantner’s website: Mary Kantner is a portrait photographer based out of Los Angeles, CA. She is inspired by “imperfections”, in-between moments, and telling a story in her photographs. She uses both film and digital photography fluently within her work.

Mary joins the Montana Diaries podcast to discuss, well, everything. We talk about being multi-passionate artists in an industry that demands niching down, and how we must allow our human selves to be more complicated than our brands. Mary attempts to put words to what draws her to photography legend Annie Leibovitz, which prompts a fumbling talk where we dissect the difference between technical excellence and emotional authenticity.

This conversation is one of my favorites so far on the podcast, and I can’t wait to hear what you take from it.

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Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

5 Shyla Hadley: A candid conversation about what it is to be a person with my college roommate

In this episode, I interview my college roommate Shyla Hadley. Shyla is one of my dearest friends, and was the star of many of my dumb YouTube videos that prompted people to start inquiring about paid photo and video projects. We walk down memory lane a bit before diving into what it meant to support and protect one another over the years, and what it meant to shift roles as long distance friends and merge our lives with romantic partners. This is a fun one!

Shyla Hadley: A candid conversation about what it is to be a person with my college roommate

In this episode, I interview my college roommate Shyla Hadley. Shyla is one of my dearest friends, and was the star of many of my dumb YouTube videos that prompted people to start inquiring about paid photo and video projects. We walk down memory lane a bit before diving into what it meant to support and protect one another over the years, and what it meant to shift roles as long distance friends and merge our lives with romantic partners. This is a fun one!


Shay's IG

Montana Diaries Videography for Photographers Waitlist

Hybrid Handbook: Starter Guide for Photographers Ready to Learn Videography

Montana Diaries Creative Vision Workshop

Montana Diaries Social Media Guide

Join the Montana Diaries Podcast Community on Facebook!

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Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

4 Leanna Krenik: How Her Personal Style Shaped Her Mindset and Career

Leanna Krenik is my dear friend and a Bozeman, Montana based photographer. In this episode of the Montana Diaries podcast, Leanna gets craazzzyyyy vulnerable about her feelings about her personal style and social perception shaped her creativity and career. Keep listening until the end because Leanna's mindset around keeping her personal life and marriage sacred paired with her thoughts about protecting her time are pure gold.

Leanna Krenik: How Her Personal Style Shaped Her Mindset and Career

Leanna Krenik is my dear friend and a Bozeman, Montana based photographer. In this episode of the Montana Diaries podcast, Leanna gets craazzzyyyy vulnerable about her feelings about her personal style and social perception shaped her creativity and career. Keep listening until the end because Leanna's mindset around keeping her personal life and marriage sacred paired with her thoughts about protecting her time are pure gold. 


Leanna’s Instagram

Leanna’s Website

Montana Diaries Instagram

Montana Diaries Videography for Photographers Waitlist

Hybrid Handbook: Starter Guide for Photographers Ready to Learn Videography

Montana Diaries Creative Vision Workshop

Montana Diaries Social Media Guide

Join the Montana Diaries Podcast Community on Facebook!

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Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

3 Dawn Charles: Photography, Education, and Entrepreneurship

Dawn Charles is an adventurous wedding and elopement photographer turned educator and the founder of Rise Photo Academy, which Dawn calls "Netflix for photographers." She is the creator of multiple digital products and resources for photographers, including her wildly popular DC presets. Dawn joins the Montana Diaries podcast to talk about her progression from photography student, to intern, to business owner. These days, Dawn's main passion lies with helping small business owners find success in their niche.

calling all photographers!


EVERYTHING you need to know about integrating video into your photography biz without buying new equipment, getting super techy, or wasting your precious time!



1. Why video is KING online, AKA why YOU should incorporate video into your business strategy

2. The leg up that hybrid shooters have in the photo + video industries and why it IS possible to learn with your existing equipment

3. Action steps you can take RIGHT NOW toward incorporating video content!

3 Dawn Charles on Photography, Education, and Entrepreneurship


Meet Dawn Charles, creator of Rise Photo Academy and DC Presets

“I’m a former intimate wedding and couple photographer (and a total editing nerd) based in Bend, Oregon, who spent years fine-tuning my craft and struggling to figure this whole business thing out.

But along the way, I realized I didn’t have to do it all on my own. And neither do you.”

Dawn Charles is an adventurous wedding and elopement photographer turned educator and the founder of Rise Photo Academy, which Dawn calls "Netflix for photographers." She is the creator of multiple digital products and resources for photographers, including her wildly popular DC presets. Dawn joins the Montana Diaries podcast to talk about her progression from photography student, to intern, to business owner. These days, Dawn's main passion lies with helping small business owners find success in their niche. 

I know you'll get as much out of this chat as I did -- make sure to let us know what you thought after you listen! 

What if I made an all-in-one platform where people from any experience level or any budget can come in and pick and choose what they want to learn about?
— Dawn Charles


heyyy, photog friend!!

If you’ve been wanting to learn videography with the gear you already own, I have a free guide just for you!

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Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

2 Elise Perpignano: How Glacier National Park Inspired Her Creative Life and Career

Elise Perpignano is a Montana-based artist who specializes in graphic design and oil painting. Elise joins the Montana Diaries podcast to talk all things creativity and business. We discuss the freedom of trying things in childhood, what it feels like to try to cast a practical creative vision and monetize making things, and living outside Glacier National Park.

2 Elise Perpignano: How Glacier National Park Inspired Her Creative Life and Career

Elise Perpignano is a Montana-based artist who specializes in graphic design and oil painting. Elise joins the Montana Diaries podcast to talk all things creativity and business. We discuss the freedom of trying things in childhood, what it feels like to try to cast a practical creative vision and monetize making things, and living outside Glacier National Park. 


Elise's Instagram

Elise's Website

Elise’s Headshot by Mary Kantner Photo

Shay's IG

Montana Diaries Videography for Photographers Waitlist

Montana Diaries Creative Vision Workshop

Montana Diaries Social Media Guide

Join the Montana Diaries Podcast Community on Facebook!

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Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

1 April Sky: Following Intuition in Business, Life, and Motherhood

April Sky is a Montana-based photographer and business coach for moms. She joins the Montana Diaries podcast to discuss her journey from stay-at-home mom to thriving owner of two businesses. In this chat, April gets personal about her divorce and the mindset hurdles she faced as a single mom faced with providing for her son financially for the first time.

1 April Sky: Following Intuition in Business, Life, and Motherhood

April Sky is a Montana-based photographer and business coach for moms. She joins the Montana Diaries podcast to discuss her journey from stay-at-home mom to thriving owner of two businesses. In this chat, April gets personal about her divorce and the mindset hurdles she faced as a single mom faced with providing for her son financially for the first time.

April Sky is the owner of Moms Made for More, which is both a community for moms to share their challenges without fear of judgement and a coaching service for mom-entreprenuers lead by April herself.


Moms Made for More

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Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

Montana Diaries Hosted by Shayna Lloyd

The Montana Diaries Podcast hosted by Shayna Lloyd || Channel Trailer

Montana Diaries Podcast Channel Trailer

The Montana Diaries podcast is all about storytelling and getting to the heart of creativity, entrepreneurship, and the drive it takes to build a full life for oneself. Host Shayna Lloyd dives into all things creativity, lifestyle, and business, and also sits down with many incredible creatives who come ready to open up about what the "dream" is. Let's talk pleasure and where this all fits into practicality, money, and lifestyle.

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