Montana Diaries Creative Business Blog

creative business resources, Shownotes, extra media, and links from the pod!

Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

In-Depth Q/A Business Coaching Call w/ Videographer Alexandra

Alex is a beautiful soul + a new videographer on the scene — she attended my very first content day last fall and she’s always had the most thoughtful questions on business, client relations, and creativity, so I knew she’d be the PERFECT first live coaching call on the Montana Diaries podcast. Alexandra serves the Missoula, MT area + beyond and you can follow along with her work + business journey at the links below!

calling all photographers!


EVERYTHING you need to know about integrating video into your photography biz without buying new equipment, getting super techy, or wasting your precious time!



1. Why video is KING online, AKA why YOU should incorporate video into your business strategy

2. The leg up that hybrid shooters have in the photo + video industries and why it IS possible to learn with your existing equipment

3. Action steps you can take RIGHT NOW toward incorporating video content!



join us in the Facebook group, your space for talking all things creativity + business!


Alex is a beautiful soul + a new videographer on the scene — she attended my very first content day last fall and she’s always had the most thoughtful questions on business, client relations, and creativity, so I knew she’d be the PERFECT first live coaching call on the Montana Diaries podcast. Alexandra serves the Missoula, MT area + beyond and you can follow along with her work + business journey at the links below!

In-Depth Q/A Business Coaching Call w/ Videographer Alexandra

Helloooo and welcome back to the Montana Diaries Podcast, I’m Shayna and I’m so stoked you’re here today because we have my very first live coaching call on the podcast with a really beautiful soul + up and coming videographer Alexandra Donaldson. Alex attended my very first content day last fall and she’s always had the most thoughtful questions on business, client relations, and creativity, so I knew she’d be the PERFECT first live coaching call on the Montana Diaries podcast. Alexandra serves the Missoula, MT area + beyond and it’s been such a pleasure to follow her growth as an artist and business owner so far, I know there’s so many amazing things coming her way because honestly this girl just works her ass off and implements like no other.

If you listen to this episode and you love it then apply to be on an episode like this yourself to ask alllll of your burning creative biz questions — just DM me at @shayna_lloyd or email me at to apply

APPLY FOR 1x1 COACHING WITH SHAY: to apply; My coaching clients can expect personalized PDFs recapping what we go over in our calls after each session, complete with super specific, actionable homework to help you get closer to your goals. I’m a business coach for action takers — no over-researching or learning as a form of procrastination. If that sounds like your thing, then go to

Alsoooo if you want to get on the wait list to be the first to know about my in-person education and content days, aka how I met Alex, then info on that can be found at — Everyone who signs up to that list also gets a free educational PDF called Portfolio Building with Purpose…anndddd, ya know, it’s exactly what it sounds like. I teach you how to build your portfolio with strategy in mind.







Anndddd that was a live Q/A with videographer Alexandra Donaldson— how amazing is she!?  I really do love how thoughtful and intentional this woman is, and I encourage you to go give her a follow on IG to follow along with her business journey. I expect great things from her! Remember to email me to be on a live coaching episode, applying for real intensive 1x1 business coaching with me complete with actionable homework, getting on board with an in-person education event, you know…all the things. Links are below!

hey, photog friend!

If you’ve been wanting to learn videography with the gear you already own, I have a free guide just for you!

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Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

25: What does it REALLY take to run multiple businesses? w/ Zoelle Devlin

On today’s episode we have the lovely Zoelle Devlin, the Missoula, Montana entrepreneur behind Love Dot and Love Zoelle. Zoelle has a beautiful eye for design, mind for business, and heart for serving — all of which serve her in her two businesses that she’s sharing about on this episode. Everyyyy purpose-driven creative entrepreneur will have something to gain from this conversation.

“Instagram is no longer a photo sharing app.”

When head of Instagram Adam Mosseri said that via an IGTV video this summer, I watched as photographers freaked the eff out on photography Facebook groups, on their stories, and yepppp my DMs.


Sooo… I wrote a free guide for YOU, photog friend. This guide is a DEEP DIVE into video marketing for photographers — not only do I provide tangible, actionable strategy for batching video content for YouTube, IGTV, Facebook, TikTok, and Reels, but I take the time to discuss the WHY of it all. Aannndddd this isn’t one of those guides where I throw up information on you that you have no hope of implementing during your busy photo season — I’m a working videographer and photographer, so I freaking get the struggle to implement a content creation strategy. As always, I’m here to meet you where you’re at with what you have

ZOELLE DEVLIN: Jewelry design, sustainable fashion, and running two businesses


join us in the Facebook group, your space for talking all things creativity + business!

missoula, montana based entrepreneur

Meet Zoelle Devlin, the entrepreneur behind Love Dot and Love Zoelle. Zoelle has a beautiful eye for design, mind for business, and heart for serving — all of which serve her in her two businesses that she’s sharing about on this episode.


Helloooo and welcome back to the Montana Diaries Podcast, HOLYYYYY frick it’s Season 2 — we took a little bit of a break for the holidays but I’m beyond stoked for the lineup of guests coming up here in 2022. We’re alsooooo going to be adding in solo shows this year, so pleaseeeee let me know what topics you’d love to hear covered! You know I’m an open book when it comes to my business, so ask away — aannddd for those who don’t know me: I’m Shayna and I’m so freaking stoked you’re here because on today’s episode we have the lovely Zoelle Devlin, the Missoula, Montana entrepreneur behind Love Dot and Love Zoelle. Zoelle has a beautiful eye for design, mind for business, and heart for serving — all of which serve her in her two businesses that she’s sharing about on this episode. Everyyyy purpose-driven creative entrepreneur will have something to gain from this conversation.

Love Zoelle: Fine Jewelry

Zoelle started Love Zoelle 6 years ago — she was still in college and working multiple jobs when she started making and selling bracelets on the side. When she sold a couple hundred on Instagram, Love Zoelle was born. Within seven months, Love Zoelle was in 42 stores across the country.

Eventually, Love Zoelle transferred out of wholesale and into fine jewelry — today, you can find their private showroom in Missoula, Montana to shop their collection.

Growing a team

Zoelle’s first team member was a sub-contractor who created the jewelery she designed, and today she’s grown that production team to four members. Zoelle knew right away that delegating was key in her business — she is adamant that she surrounds herself with “people that are smarter than her.”

As for advice to other entrepreneurs to figure out what to delegate? Zoelle is big on writing down systems and processes to make delegation easier when it becomes obvious that you’re spread too thin.

Crafting a vision

When asked if she had a vision for where the company would go or if she took it in stride as she went, Zoelle was quick to say that she knew where she wanted the company to go. When family and friends would make suggestions, Zoelle was able to maintain focus because of her vision — no shiny object syndrome for her!

The vision? A personalized 1-1 experience where Zoelle was able to educate her consumer, and she acknowledges that she couldn’t provide that service if she chased the big wholesale goals.

Love Dot: The Sustainable Closet

Love Dot was born of Zoelle’s desire to give back by donating proceeds to charities that connect with her values, to highlight female entrepreneurs with interviews on the website, and to serve the types of women she interviews by filling a gap in the fashion industry that Zoelle has felt the effects of in the work force and in her entrepreneurial life. Zoelle’s vision for the product side of the brand includes curating 12-15 versatile, “seasonless” pieces for the woman on the go.

Educating consumers and messaging

One of the big challenges of building this new brand is educating consumers on the importance of sustainability. We chatted about content marketing and messaging, knowing the optics of a business, and understanding the price point weeding out certain demographics and offering alternative options for being sustainable.

Routines that serve life & business

Zoelle is bigggg on following routines that serve her life and businesses. She strives to get 8 hours of sleep, consistently meditate, and fuel her body with nutritious foods. Zoelle calls her morning routine “sacred,” and she takes time to do NOTHING.

All of this is made possible by her ability to delegate work items to her team — we’re both on business enabling our ideal lifestyles, and Zoelle is in alignment with that goal. Outsourcing allows Zoelle to honor her routines.

hey, photog friend!

If you’ve been wanting to learn videography with the gear you already own, I have a free guide just for you!

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Podcast Shayna Lloyd Podcast Shayna Lloyd

22: Selling a hand made creative product w/ Hannah Lorenzen

On episode 22 of the Montana Diaries Podcast, I’m chatting with Hannah Lorenzen, the Missoula-based owner of Han-MadeWithLove — she makes stunning clay jewelry and it’s so freaking unique, you guys, unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I hired Hannah to design pieces to go in my welcome boxes for my wedding and elopement clients and I am absolutely blown away by the care she put into each design. I knew I had to get her on the pod to tell you about her process. If you’ve been wanting to sell a creative product but you’re not sure where to start, this is a great episode with a heart-centered approach from Hannah...but, yeah, I mostly just want to hype this woman up so that you go freaking check her out. Make your dollars mean something this holiday season — shop local, shop small.


“Instagram is no longer a photo sharing app.”

When head of Instagram Adam Mosseri said that via an IGTV video this summer, I watched as photographers freaked the eff out on photography Facebook groups, on their stories, and yepppp my DMs.


Sooo… I wrote a free guide for YOU, photog friend. This guide is a DEEP DIVE into video marketing for photographers — not only do I provide tangible, actionable strategy for batching video content for YouTube, IGTV, Facebook, TikTok, and Reels, but I take the time to discuss the WHY of it all. Aannndddd this isn’t one of those guides where I throw up information on you that you have no hope of implementing during your busy photo season — I’m a working videographer and photographer, so I freaking get the struggle to implement a content creation strategy. As always, I’m here to meet you where you’re at with what you have

HANNAH LORENZEN: Creating a handmade product, finding her style, and learning to sell


join us in the Facebook group, your space for talking all things creativity + business!

meet han

montana girl with big dreams | “Han-madewithlove began in Missoula, MT in June of 2020. I have loved all things crafty since the age of seven where I made soap and sold it outside my house from a little stand. It's only fitting that I now (han)d-make and sell clay items. The selection of handmade clay items and fashion items include; stunning trendy pieces, quality items that are made to last, pieces that fit any budget, and most importantly inclusive pieces for all sizes and shapes. I take the process of finding and creating pieces that inspire and uplift my customers very seriously. My goal is to make everyone feel loved when they wear han-madewithlove. Our customer service team will make sure that your expectations are not just met, but exceeded.”


On episode 22 of the Montana Diaries Podcast, I’m chatting with Hannah Lorenzen, the Missoula-based owner of Han-MadeWithLove — she makes stunning clay jewelry and it’s so freaking unique, you guys, unlike anything I’ve ever seen. I hired Hannah to design pieces to go in my welcome boxes for my wedding and elopement clients and I am absolutely blown away by the care she put into each design. I knew I had to get her on the pod to tell you about her process. If you’ve been wanting to sell a creative product but you’re not sure where to start, this is a great episode with a heart-centered approach from Hannah...but, yeah, I mostly just want to hype this woman up so that you go freaking check her out. Make your dollars mean something this holiday season — shop local, shop small. 

hand made in missoula

Hannah’s hand-made clay earrings are inspired by a mixture of western and bohemian style — they reflect Missoula itself.

Hannah is multi-passionate and extremely creative — she has a heart-centered approach to business that relies heavily on word of mouth in the Montana communities she serves. We chatted about her design process and what it is to create for clients vs.creating for oneself.

Hannah opened up about finding confidence with both her style and with clients’ feedback. She has a distinct style that attracts wholesale and custom orders, and those projects can cause anxiety because she is so focused on making the products beautiful and in the clients’ vision. She emphasizes the importance of communication and providing a timeline.


hey, photog friend!

If you’ve been wanting to learn videography with the gear you already own, I have a free guide just for you!

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