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5 Shyla Hadley: A candid conversation about what it is to be a person with my college roommate

In this episode, I interview my college roommate Shyla Hadley. Shyla is one of my dearest friends, and was the star of many of my dumb YouTube videos that prompted people to start inquiring about paid photo and video projects. We walk down memory lane a bit before diving into what it meant to support and protect one another over the years, and what it meant to shift roles as long distance friends and merge our lives with romantic partners. This is a fun one!

Shyla Hadley: A candid conversation about what it is to be a person with my college roommate

In this episode, I interview my college roommate Shyla Hadley. Shyla is one of my dearest friends, and was the star of many of my dumb YouTube videos that prompted people to start inquiring about paid photo and video projects. We walk down memory lane a bit before diving into what it meant to support and protect one another over the years, and what it meant to shift roles as long distance friends and merge our lives with romantic partners. This is a fun one!


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Montana Diaries Videography for Photographers Waitlist

Hybrid Handbook: Starter Guide for Photographers Ready to Learn Videography

Montana Diaries Creative Vision Workshop

Montana Diaries Social Media Guide

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